Acupuncture for Sleep

Ever find yourself staring at the ceiling at 3 a.m., wondering if you'll ever fall asleep? You've come to the right place. 

Simple, natural, and effective, acupuncture offers more than just relief—it's your ticket to consistent, deep sleep. Move beyond counting sheep to waking up rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. Acupuncture can help you change your feeling from drowsy to energized!

What Is Acupuncture?

​​Acupuncture involves the precise insertion of whisper-thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate natural healing processes. This method is increasingly recognized for its effectiveness in addressing a variety of health concerns, including stress, depression, insomnia, allergies, asthma, and headaches.

By targeting specific areas, acupuncture promotes relaxation and balance, making it an effective option for improving sleep quality. This approach to wellness is natural and minimally invasive, appealing to those seeking non-pharmaceutical treatments.

Supported by modern research, acupuncture is seen as a safe and practical method for improving sleep and overall health. For more details on how acupuncture works and its benefits, click the link below.

Does Acupuncture Help with Sleep?

Acupuncture is increasingly recognized as a beneficial alternative to traditional medications for improving sleep, including issues like insomnia and sleep apnea

Research suggests that by influencing certain neurotransmitters related to our sleep-wake cycle, acupuncture can enhance sleep quality. It works by stimulating specific points on the body to prevent the over-relaxation of muscles responsible for conditions like sleep apnea, thereby contributing to a more restful night. 

How Acupuncture for Sleep Works

Acupuncture gently stimulates specific points on the body, encouraging the release of calming neurotransmitters like serotonin and endorphins. This can ease anxiety and stress, helping you fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer.

Furthermore, acupuncture can help regulate melatonin and, by doing so, enhance both the quality and duration of your sleep, making it an effective solution for conditions such as insomnia and restless sleep.

The best part? Acupuncture, as opposed to most sleep medications, carries little to no risks and doesn’t create dependency.

What to Expect From a Session


Upon arriving at your nearest clinic, you'll be checked in by our Zen Advisor, who will help you with patient history forms and introduce you to the Modern Acupuncture method through a brief video. 


A licensed acupuncturist will discuss your wellness concerns and goals before administering a personalized treatment.

 As you relax for 20 to 30 minutes, therapeutic music and calming nature scenes enhance your experience, aiming for both physical relief and mental peace.


After the session, you'll receive a personalized treatment plan and answers to any questions in the lobby. 

A Zen Advisor will arrange your next visit based on your personalized treatment plan.

Great Relief, Great Savings

At Modern Acupuncture, first-time patients can save up to 50% on their first acupuncture session! Finding lasting relief for the issues you've been experiencing for so long has never been more affordable and easier. Keep scrolling to find an acupuncture clinic near you!

Use the map below to find an acupuncture clinic near you and start changing your feeling today!

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Is acupuncture a safe way to treat insomnia?

Yes, acupuncture is considered a safe and natural method for treating insomnia and improving sleep quality when performed by a licensed and experienced practitioner. It offers a holistic alternative to conventional treatments, with minimal side effects, making it a great option for those looking for a more natural approach to better sleep.

Does acupuncture for sleep issues hurt?

You may feel a little sensation or tingle, but most patients don't feel anything at all and tend to fall asleep during their treatment.

How long does an acupuncture session last?

The total visit time is 30 minutes or less. Acupuncture treatments are 20 minutes. First-time patients need extra time to fill out patient forms.

Is insurance required?

Our sessions and membership plans are very affordable so insurance isn't required. HSA and FSA plans are accepted.

What should I wear?

Comfortable, loose clothing is recommended to provide easy adjustment if needed for acupuncture treatment areas.

Do I need an appointment?

Appointments are highly encouraged to secure a preferred time. Check the clinic nearest you for walk-in availability.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects after treatment are uncommon, with most people leaving our clinics feeling deeply relaxed.

Some patients may experience mild disorientation, which typically resolves with a brief rest. We recommend eating a small meal before the session to prevent feelings of dizziness or tiredness afterward.

As a patient, what can I do to make my treatment more effective?

To make your treatment as effective as possible, consider these tips:

  • Complete patient forms online before your appointment to save time.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing to allow your licensed acupuncturist easy access to acupuncture points.
  • Arrive at least 5 minutes early to settle in, choose your tea, and silence your phone.
  • Openly share your wellness concerns and goals with your acupuncturist.
  • Relax during your session; it's perfectly fine to fall asleep!
  • Take your acupuncturist's lifestyle advice seriously and incorporate it into your daily routine.
  • Remember, acupuncture benefits are cumulative and optimal results require time and consistency!

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