
Why Acupuncture is the Healthy Habit You Should Pick Up

Published on
August 23, 2018
Why Acupuncture is the Healthy Habit You Should Pick Up

A healthy habit is something you do to enhance your physical, mental or emotional well-being. When several of these habits are combined, they form a framework to live a longer, healthier, happier life.

It’s common knowledge that eating more fresh, whole foods and getting more exercise can help keep you healthier. But did you know that acupuncture is one of the healthiest habits you can have?

Acupuncture is a wholistic healthy habit. Not only is it beneficial for creating a healthier body, but it also calms the mind, and can help improve your emotional well-being. Acupuncture can help the body heal from injury, and ease chronic pain naturally, reducing the very real risk of addiction to opioids or other narcotics.

In order to reap the maximum health and wellness benefits of acupuncture, adherence to a treatment plan is necessary. A treatment plan is a recommendation for the number and frequency of visits required to reduce or eliminate symptoms and achieve optimal results. A licensed acupuncturist will customize this plan to suit the individual patient’s needs.

Even when symptoms go away, regular acupuncture is always recommended to prevent them from coming back and to help maintain excellent overall health. It’s about making it a healthy habit that will last a lifetime. Just two treatments a month can have a huge impact on sleep, mood, digestion, immunity and more.

Why Are So Many Healthcare Professionals Recommending Acupuncture?

While acupuncture is not as well-known or understood in our society, in Asian cultures, it’s been a part of preserving good health and treating ill health for thousands of years. There is a lot of modern medical research to back up the centuries old traditional Chinese medicine, and additional studies continue to be conducted in the United States. The Veterans Administration is using acupuncture to treat a variety of health conditions including chronic pain, brain injuries, and PTSD, as well as reducing the use and potential for abuse of opioid painkillers.

Healthcare professionals are recognizing that acupuncture promotes deep relaxation and enables the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system or “rest, digest and recover” functions. The parasympathetic state is essential to restoring and maintaining health, but most people are too stressed to access it, thus compromising their ability to fully heal.

Think of acupuncture as physical therapy for the nervous and circulatory system; when the nervous system is firing correctly and blood is moving freely, we feel better and we flourish. In contrast, when the nervous system is out of balance or blood flow is impeded, organ function may be hindered and symptoms can arise.

While acupuncture is great for relieving symptoms, let’s not forget about its preventative benefits. Acupuncture can enhance immune function and help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. This alone makes it an incredible preventive measure for people of all ages and an excellent addition to a healthy habit regimen. The deep sense of calm and relaxation that most people experience during their treatment (and the amazing night’s sleep after) are just the sugar-free icing on the gluten-free cake.

Acupuncture & Health Conditions

The sheer number of conditions that acupuncture can help treat is incredible. Click the link to see for yourself. Acupuncture gives patients a way to find relief without drugs, or expensive testing. Acupuncture is proven to help ease symptoms for those suffering from health conditions like:

  • Insomnia
  • Chronic or Acute Pain
  • PTSD, Stress & Anxiety
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Allergies & Respiratory Illnesses
  • Migraines & Headaches

There are also examples of acupuncture helping soothe nausea and other side effects from cancer treatments and other chronic diseases.

There are so many other conditions that can negatively affect your ability to live life to its fullest that can be improved or eased by regular acupuncture. Did we mention it’s sooo relaxing? After just one treatment, most people will experience better quality of sleep, reduced stress, and an overall feeling of calm and well-being.

A Beautiful Healthy Habit

Cosmetic Acupuncture, another centuries old treatment, balances the body, treats symptoms and improves overall health all while rekindling your youthful glow, easing fine lines and wrinkles, and improving your skin tone and texture. It’s definitely not your average beauty treatment!

Start your healthy habit

Improved health, decreased discomfort, better quality sleep and a more youthful appearance are now more accessible than ever. Yes, you’ll have to put in some effort to see results. That means taking note of how you feel before and after treatments, and talking openly with your licensed acupuncturist. But, following the recommended treatment plan is easy because it’s like a 30 minute mini-vacation every time you visit.

Like any healthy habit you have to take that first step and then consistently repeat it until it becomes a natural part of your everyday life. Make acupuncture you next (and best!) healthy habit by booking your first appointment today.

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