
Top Anxiety Triggers Many People Face and How Science-backed Acupuncture Treatments can do Wonders for an Anxious Stress Response

Published on
November 17, 2022

Most people will experience occasional anxiety at some point in their life during stressful periods; however, ongoing anxiety is not normal and should be addressed.

Anxiety is an emotional response to stress where you may feel fearful, worried or apprehensive about something such as starting a new job or doing public speaking. For many the symptoms of anxiety are long-term and include on-going negative feelings, thoughts, or physical symptoms.

The physical changes in the body can lead to muscle tension, shallow breathing, increased heart rate, sweating, all of which increase the feeling of anxiety.

In the US, 18.1% of the adult population and 25.1% of children aged between thirteen and eighteen suffer with anxiety disorders.

There are many stressful and traumatic triggers that can lead to mental and physical symptoms of anxiety.

Common Anxiety Triggers:

- Childhood or adult trauma and abuse

- A death in the family

- Financial or work worries

- A relationship breakdown or being in a toxic relationship

- Fear of getting ill or a family member becoming sick

- Recreational drugs and alcohol (including withdrawal from these substances)

- Caffeine (coffee and energy drinks)

- Poor diet (dietary allergies, nutritional deficiency)

The one common thread that links all of the above anxiety triggers is chronic stress. At Modern Acupuncture we believe that there is a link between stress and the experience of anxiety symptoms.

In fact, the American Institute of Stress attributes 90% of primary care to chronic stress. Every major health organization is talking about the effects of chronic stress.

“Stress triggers a chain of chemical reactions and responses in the body. If the stress is short-lived, the body usually returns to normal. But when stress is chronic or the system gets stuck in overdrive, changes in the body and brain can be long-lasting.”

Harvard Medical School

Chronic stress creates a chain of negative health effects that can affect all areas of physical and mental health.

The research shows that Acupuncture can be used effectively to treat anxiety conditions. Acupuncture can also be used as a stand-alone treatment or safely combined with conventional treatments such as psychotherapy and/or medication, likely enhancing their beneficial effects and reducing unwanted side effects.

Acupuncture regulates the body’s chemical balance naturally, reducing physical and mental symptoms of anxiety and often preventing the need for medications.

The key to success is regular sessions, especially in the beginning of care. In order to initially gain control over your anxiety, regular acupuncture at an interval of 2-3 sessions per week, will help dramatically reduce symptoms. Committing to care is the first step to get the most of your sessions and this powerful ancient therapy. Why is Acupuncture the Best, Drug-free Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Anxiety Relief?

If you're concerned about your anxiety symptoms, and stress levels, we encourage you to visit your local Modern Acupuncture clinic. Adding regular Acupuncture to your life, can greatly reduce your anxiety symptoms.

One of our Licensed Acupuncturists will work with you to craft an effective treatment plan for resolving your anxiety. Early treatment is the best way to manage anxiety, and stress and establish healthy patterns that are effective in the long term.

Acupuncture Relieves Emotional Stress Responses such as Anxiety

Modern Acupuncture® is a natural stress relief solution and the leading provider of Acupuncture in the U.S. The most studied theories show that Acupuncture stimulates the body to release naturally produced “feel good” endorphins and stimulate the parasympathetic or “rest and digest” response in our body, alleviating symptoms associated with stress.

Got Questions About Acupuncture?

Visit our All About Acupuncture page, where we unpack everything about this ancient technique. From its inception in China over 3,000 years ago, to its gradual increase in popularity in the US.

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