
The Pain Felt from Tiny Acupuncture Needles is Far Less than the Pain You Feel Daily

Published on
December 27, 2022
The Pain Felt from Tiny Acupuncture Needles is Far Less than the Pain You Feel Daily

Acupuncture is a complementary therapy that originated in Asia and has been used effectively for over 2,500 years.

Acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain and is shown to boost the body’s natural painkillers. In Modern Acupuncture's recent survey, over 60% of patients attest to seeking acupuncture care for pain ailments. This needling practice is now also used to promote overall wellness and to reduce stress. The goal of acupuncture for pain is to provide much needed relief and maintain these results for the long-term.

During the treatment, specific points are strategically chosen along your muscles and connective tissue pathways using tiny, thin needles to penetrate the skin. These thin needles stimulate places on the body to influence the health of your nerves, muscles, and connective tissue.

Acupuncture needles are typically the width of a human hair, or thinner depending on the situation. For example, acupuncture needles for the face are thinner than ones that are applied to the arms and legs.

Compared to larger hypodermic needles used at a typical doctor's office, acupuncture needles are much, much smaller and thinner. In fact, about 18 acupuncture needles can fit inside a single hypodermic needle, so it’s nothing like getting your blood drawn.

What do Acupuncture Needles Feel Like?

One misconception about acupuncture is that it hurts, and this is a reason that some people get turned off and don’t want to try acupuncture. When you first try acupuncture, you may feel a small pinch and tingling sensation, or often feel nothing at all.

Despite many people’s fear of needles, there are many standards and guidelines that our License Acupuncturists must adhere to ensure they perform the procedure safely and effectively.

How Long does a Single Acupuncture Treatment Last?

You can expect an acupuncture treatment session to last about 30-35 minutes. During the initial part of your visit, time will be spent discussing your pain history, previous injuries and desired goals. Depending on your specific condition, your Acupuncturists will choose specific points to treat and devise a treatment plan to achieve the most effective long-term results.

The needles will be kept in place for 20 minutes. This period of time is therapeutic and devoted to your relaxation and recovery. You’ll lie down in our zero-gravity recliner meant to compress your spine, and promote deeper relaxation. It is during this relaxing period, that the benefits of Acupuncture take place and your body begins the process to heal naturally. Many of our patients even remark feeling substantially less pain after their first few visits.

Our Licensed Acupuncturists are focused on the mission is to alleviate your pain. If you believe Acupuncture may help you, don’t hesitate to book your appointment if it means a life without constant pain. Come in today to start your journey to natural pain relief without side effects.

Acupuncture Minimizes Pain

Modern Acupuncture® is a natural pain relief solution and the leading provider of Acupuncture in the U.S. The most studied theories show that Acupuncture stimulates the body to release naturally produced “feel good” endorphins and stimulate the parasympathetic or “rest and digest” response in our body.

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