
Could Acupuncture Help Autumn Allergies that cause Increased Stress and Inflammation in the Body?

Published on
September 7, 2022

It’s that time of year again: apple pies, pumpkin spice, and…ALLERGIES! In the autumn, many people from all ends of the earth know all too well the sniffling, itching, sneezing, eye-watering, and head-aching pain of allergy season when it rolls around. But did you know Acupuncture can be a successful treatment method to overcome the severity of your seasonal allergies and in some cases eliminate them all together?

From an Acupuncture Medicine perspective, autumn is the season where our body is faced with the stressful task of acclimating from the damp heat of the summer into the cool breeze of the autumn. In addition, back to school exposes children to more novel germs adding further tax on an already strained system. Not to mention, the flurry of back to school and other fall-time activities send most families into a chaos overload. Adding these 3 factors up?

You may find yourself experiencing stress which leads to increased inflammation in the body.

Over a short period of time, the body’s inflammatory response begins to block the healthy flow of qi in the body. Because of the depleted energy reserves and blocked flow of nutrients, the body must allocate its resources in a strategic way. Protecting the body from outside invasion, such as allergens, often does not make the cut. Therefore, our immune system and overall energy can use an extra boost during this time of year.

Acupuncture can be the body’s fatigued, stressed, over-exposed and overworked aid!

Acupuncture not only stimulates the LU system’s “pool pump” to help regulate the circulation of qi in the body, but it also regulates the defensive WEI qi of the body which modulates the responsiveness of the immune system to allergic irritants. As a result, Acupuncture may be just the natural way to help reduce the body’s response to allergies and potentially increase the body’s overall immune strength. Acupuncture also assists in decreasing inflammation fare-ups in the body supporting the opening and relief from clogged sinus passages.

“My practitioner is amazing. She listens and offers suggestions and has been a tremendous help on this healing journey. It has not only helped with my injuries but has helped my allergies, stress, and sleep. As a busy mom balancing life/work, I am thankful for the 30 minutes I spend in the chairs. I feel so rejuvenated afterward. The admin staff is always excellent and accommodating. It is a friendly, happy environment and great people to interact with. Thank you for making acupuncture easily accessible and relaxing for all!” - Jenni C. (TX)

In your Modern Acupuncture session, we can treat distally to support specific organs and systems in the body by regulating its WEI qi. Depending upon the needs of the patient, our Acupuncturists can also treat locally on the sinuses to help directly open sinus and nasal passages with intent to help you walk out of your session breathing freely again. Continued regular Acupuncture treatments could mean no more itchy eyes, puffy eyelids, red skin, runny nose, or painful sinus pressure for you or someone you know.

Acupuncture Relieves Stress and Many Symptoms Associated with Allergies

Modern Acupuncture® is a natural stress relief solution and the leading provider of Acupuncture in the U.S. The most studied theories show that Acupuncture stimulates the body to release naturally produced "feel good" endorphins and stimulates the parasympathetic or "rest and digest" response in our body, alleviating symptoms associated with stress.

Visit the clinic nearest you today.

Written by: Dr. Kade Stotler DACM, MSOM, L.Ac. of Missouri

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