
Acupuncture is a Mindbody Medicine Used to Reduce Physical, Mental, and Emotional Effects of Pain

Published on
October 25, 2022
Acupuncture is a Mindbody Medicine Used to Reduce Physical, Mental, and Emotional Effects of Pain

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment that addresses physical, emotional, and mental health. It has been practiced in China and Eastern countries for at least 2,500 years, and its benefits and reputation for results cannot be disputed. Millions of people all over the world have found instant and long-lasting pain relief by taking a natural path toward a pain-free, more relaxing, and healthier life.

In the US, the majority of acupuncture patients seek relief for chronic pain and stress-related health issues. These conditions are often experienced simultaneously.

The body and mind are inter-connected and physical pain can have dramatic effects on mental and emotional well-being. The opposite is also true, where mental and emotional stress leads to associated physical pain.

According to physicians, both chronic pain and chronic stress can create body-wide imbalances that affect the physical and mental health of anyone who suffers from it.

How does Acupuncture Address the Whole Person?

The ancient medicine of Acupuncture often uses the metaphor of the root and branch to approach healing the body. The branch is the symptom, such as pain. The root is the main imbalance that causes the disease. Acupuncture aims to treat the root of the problem, not just the branch, correcting the root can lead to long-term improvement and recovery.

Contemporary research shows how acupuncture works in the brain and body to affect both physical and mental health.

Using an fMRI scanner, a scan that tracks blood flow within the brain, scientists have shown that acupuncture affects a part of the brain called the limbic system. The limbic system is involved with emotional control. It is also involved with pain, memory, and behaviors such as addictions as well as hormonal regulation. This remarkable study showed that acupuncture may calm the parts of the brain associated with the limbic system, therefore resulting in pain relief and calming effects on the person’s state of being.

Acupuncture’s cumulative long-term capacity to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being may lie with the ability to stimulate this important part of the brain.

Acupuncture, designed to relieve back pain, neck pain, headaches, knee pain, and more also works by stimulating nerves located in specific muscles throughout the body. When these nerves are stimulated, they release endorphins and other 'feel-good' hormones that transform how the brain processes pain in the spinal cord and brain.

This treatment helps to reduce inflammation and increases local blood circulation, reducing pain, swelling, and pressure on joints and muscles.

Pain can dramatically affect wellbeing, causing mental health issues, lowered mood, fatigue, sleep disturbances, the ability to exercise, and social interactions with others.

Acupuncture works holistically, both in the mind and body to relieve pain symptoms and improve overall well-being. With effects that are targeted both locally in the painful area and in the brain, Acupuncture can relieve pain on many fronts.

At Modern Acupuncture, many of our patients experience significant relief from chronic pain and stress issues. Often, they visit our clinics in search of much-needed relief after years of conventional approaches that did not provide sustainable, long-term results. All of our Licensed Acupuncturists use evidence-based Acupuncture protocols that target your specific condition. These protocols have allowed our Acupuncturists to achieve great results and improve physical, mental, and emotional symptoms using this mind and body medicine.

Our Licensed Acupuncturists have the highest degree of training to provide customized care for positive treatment outcomes.

Acupuncture Minimizes Pain

Modern Acupuncture® is a natural pain relief solution and the leading provider of Acupuncture in the U.S. The most studied theories show that Acupuncture stimulates the body to release naturally produced “feel good” endorphins and stimulate the parasympathetic or “rest and digest” response in our body.

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