
Acupuncture for a World of People with Back Pain

Published on
April 7, 2021
Acupuncture for a World of People with Back Pain

World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on April 7th. Each year the World Health Organization chooses to highlight a special theme current in the wellness and medical world.

This year at Modern Acupuncture, we are bringing awareness to the benefits of Acupuncture for a world of people with back pain. One of the most common reasons people seek out acupuncture and visit our clinics is because they are experiencing back pain.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that back pain is one of the most frequent medical problems, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives.

Worldwide, back pain is the single leading cause of disability, preventing many people from engaging in work as well as other everyday activities.

How Does Acupuncture Help?

Many Americans seek acupuncture treatment for relief of chronic pain, such as low back pain.

Acupuncture points stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These changes may stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote pain-relief and physical well-being.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) studies have shown that acupuncture is an effective treatment alone or in combination with conventional therapies to treat low back pain.

At Modern Acupuncture, we use evidence-based acupuncture protocols that get great results for those suffering from back pain, and other pain related issues too. Here is a testimonial from a patient and national-board certified Acupuncturist.


“With my acupuncturist’s help I’ve increased flexibility and decreased my back pain. To the point where I can golf on a consistent basis and without any major (back) setbacks. The acupuncture treatment has greatly improved my quality of life.” - Gregory T


50-year-old male patient arrived day of appointment and the ZA noticed that the patient was in pain and walking with a limp. The ZA commented “oh, you definitely need to be here.” The patient initially came for treatment because of L ankle pain, through questioning I learned that he also experienced Low and R side back pain that travelled down the lateral leg VAS 8/10. I used the lower UB points and Gluteal points on the R side of the patient. I also used gallbladder points down the side of his R leg plus protocol points. When the patient got off the table, they reported a vast improvement and I recommended 1 treatment a week for the next 4 weeks with reassessment along the way. In hindsight I should have recommended a higher frequency of treatment. However, when I saw the patient the next week, they reported that their back had been pain free for almost the entire week. This patient has been regularly returning for treatment the last several months. Along the way we have also treated other various issues and their back when the pain flared up. For this past month of treatment, we have been focusing on other areas that the patient wants to work on as their back has not been problematic. Because the back pain has been under control the patient has noticed other areas that need attention, and the patient has been making healthier lifestyle choices and encouraging the younger generation in his field to take care of themselves physically and get regular acupuncture.

Acupuncture Decreases Back Pain

Modern Acupuncture® is a natural solution and the leading provider of acupuncture in the U.S. The most studied theories show that acupuncture stimulates the body to release naturally produced “feel good” endorphins and stimulate the parasympathetic or “rest and digest” response in our body.

If you are experiencing back pain, we encourage you to visit your local Modern Acupuncture Clinic to feel for yourself how acupuncture can provide relief. We look forward to helping you and the many others that are experiencing back pain.

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