
Stressing Acupuncture for Substance Abuse and Opioid Addiction

Published on
October 6, 2021
Stressing Acupuncture for Substance Abuse and Opioid Addiction

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment that addresses physical, emotional, and mental health. Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and World Health Organization (WHO) for treating numerous conditions including addiction.

Using acupuncture for addiction began in the early 1970’s when physicians observed that acupuncture provided a reduction in withdrawal symptoms for people who abused opiates.

Since that time more research has been done to understand the effects of acupuncture on addiction and withdrawal symptoms. This focus has led to the development of numerous protocols that have shown to compliment addiction treatment and prevent relapse.

Addiction is one of the top health issues in the United States today. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA), 21 million people 12 or older needed substance abuse treatment. That is 1 in every 13 people.

The substance abuse crisis includes addiction to various substances including illegal drugs, alcohol, and prescription medications. Opioid abuse is the most notable prescription medication addiction and has been deemed a health crisis in its own right.

Acupuncture Can Help with Prescription Medication Addiction

According to physicians, addiction creates a body-wide imbalance that affects the physical and mental health of anyone who suffers from it.

Acupuncturists and physicians have found that inserting needles into specific regions of the body, could possibly help reduce cortisol and balance dopamine levels to decrease withdrawal symptoms and cravings that come from drug, alcohol and opioid detox. In combination with conventional treatment methods, acupuncture may help various patients restore some of this balance and manage several addiction symptoms.

A common acupuncture protocol called NADA or AcuDetox is a specific acupuncture protocol developed to ease alcohol and drug detox symptoms. Developed and researched over the last 40 years, the NADA protocol uses 5 points in the ear to compliment conventional addiction treatments and prevent further relapses.

This 5 point NADA protocol has been shown to:

- Ease drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

- Increase chances of completing addiction treatment programs.

- Increase chances of staying sober following treatment.

- Positively impact overall quality of life.

- Reduce pain and increase energy.

Acupuncture can complement traditional mental health disorder and substance abuse addiction treatment. In addition to relieving common drug addiction symptoms and supporting the detox process, acupuncture has also been shown as a promising anxiety and depression treatment when combined with antidepressants and therapy. It can help quality of life and social-emotional health.

While acupuncture may help some patients with addiction, it isn’t a good idea to use it as a singular treatment. Think of it as an alternative or supplemental treatment and those in recovery should still receive a medical detox supervised by a physician.

At Modern Acupuncture, our highly trained team of licensed acupuncturists, can assess your health and utilize a variety of acupuncture treatments to treat your physical pain, promote relaxation and benefit the effects of conventional treatments for substance and opioid addiction.

“This place has changed my life… I was one of the skeptical ones until I tried it myself. My experience has been remarkable. I truly am so grateful for what my acupuncturist has done for me. I would recommend trying acupuncture treatment for anyone who has been suffering from pain. I went years dealing with back pain, anxiety, and PTSD from an accident I was in, but now I finally can live my life again knowing I have this relief.”

-Marlene (CA)

Acupuncture Relieves Stress

Modern Acupuncture® is a natural stress relief solution and the leading provider of acupuncture in the U.S. The most studied theories show that acupuncture stimulates the body to release naturally produced “feel good” endorphins and stimulate the parasympathetic or “rest and digest” response in our body, alleviating symptoms associated with stress.

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